onsdag den 14. april 2010

Mislykket eksperiment


Det er ikke altid det går bare nogenlunde godt, når der skal eksperimenteres med nye råvarer og opskrifter. I dag ville jeg prøve at bage en boghvedekage igen - denne her skulle være med honning og appelsin, men opskriften kommer til at kræve en del mere arbejde.


Resultatet blev for svampet, gik itu da jeg ville tage kagen ud af formen (næste forsøg bliver ikke bagt i en randform), og smagte for kedeligt - og jeg havde endda brugt af den lækre franske bjerghonning, Miel du Jura, som vi købte på markedet i Dijon i sommers.

Bedre held næste gang!

The English Corner

Not all experiments are successful, and today's go at an orange-honey cake made with buckwheat flour was actually a bit of a disaster. Next try will not be baked in a ring mould, and I think I'll save the rest of the French mountain honey for when the recipe has been perfected.

miel du jura

Better luck next time!

3 kommentarer:

  1. oh that happened to me with some topped caramel apple cake using the same spring roll ....

  2. Aren't you furious when such disasters happen? But they do happen to all of us and not so rarely. I think that the problem here was the buckwheat flour which is very sticky and compact. Never the less, the cake must be very tasty, what with oranges and honey. Looking forward to the successful version!

  3. I'm glad this sort of thing happens rarely in my kitchen - I just want to throw the mess out and start over right away, or else forget about it and do something completely different! I'm going to have a go at another version of this though - I'm sure it must be possible to get a good result, and the orange-honey combination should be delicious if I can just get it right. No more ring moulds though! That was almost an invitation to failure, what with the looser nature of the buckwheat flour dough. Thanks for commiserating with me! ;)
