Så er det første år gået, med madblog og opskrifter. Det tog lidt tid at finde det rette format, og der er stadig plads til megen udvikling. For eksempel har jeg endnu ikke rigtig fundet ud af, om jeg skal satse på at få taget billeder af hvert trin undervejs når jeg laver maden, eller det er bedre med nogle få rigtig gode af resultatet. Jeg har heller ikke helt fundet ud af, hvordan jeg så fordeler billedmaterialet mellem den danske og engelske del af hvert indlæg, men det er noget af det jeg vil prøve at eksperimentere lidt mere med formen på i det kommende år.
Måden at skrive opskrifterne på, samt den indledende tekst, er hele tiden under udvikling. Jeg tager mig selv i at ændre ordvalg i beskrivelserne over tid, så det kan være det er nødvendigt simpelthen at beslutte mig for hvordan det er jeg skriver opskrifterne. På den anden side er det også meget rart med lidt forandring.
Jeg springer statistikken over og går direkte til "konkurrencen", for jeg har tænkt mig at udlodde lidt godt til bloggens læsere i anledning af dens "fødselsdag". Alle der lægger en kommentar på dette indlæg deltager i lodtrækning om to æsker med flotte chokoladeovertrukne marcipanhjerter fra Summerbird Chokolade ♥ ♥ - der kan kommenteres indtil midnat natten til søndag d. 6. december dansk tid. Vindere udtrækkes på søndag og kan ses på bloggen i løbet af dagen.

The English Corner
This entry should have been up exactly a week ago, but I was kept in bed by a merciless fever, so here it is with one weeks delay.
The first year on the blog is past, and I feel that I have somewhat found my feet when it comes to formatting the posts, writing the intro and recipe instructions, etc. Photo-wise I am still undecided - do I want to try and document the steps of the recipe throughout, or should I focus on getting a few really good shots of the finished result? And how do I distribute the images between the Danish and English part of each entry? The photo part is definitely something I plan on experimenting with a little more in the year to come.
The English Corner will probably undergo some changes, both on the photo front, but also when it comes to text. Right now I try to do a little intro in English as well as the recipe itself, and sometimes it's easy to do; But other times I'll skip the English version first time around, simply because I'm too tired to write a text to accompany it, and I think that's a pity really. In the future some posts may just have an English version of the recipe, with no introductory text. I also need to do some serious reading of English language cookbooks, or find a kitchen vocabulary somewhere online - the English words for both kitchen appliances and cooking techniques regularly escape me!
Well, I'm going to skip the blog statistics and proceed right to the "giveaway", as I have decided to offer something sweet to the readers of this blog in celebration of its first "birthday". Everyone who leaves a comment on this entry will enter the draw for two boxes of Summerbird chocolate covered marzipan hearts ♥ ♥ - leave your comment by midnight Danish time (GMT+1) on Saturday December 6th to take part in the draw. Winners will be drawn on Sunday and posted to the blog in the course of the day.
Tillykke med bloggens fødselsdag :-)
SvarSletDet er virkelig 'learning by doing' at madblogge, jeg har heller ikke fundet min form endnu. Jeg glæder mig til at se hvad du finder på at lave af julemad :-)
Glad Julehilsen
Tillykke og tak for en god side. Knus
SvarSletHerligt med din skønne mad.
SvarSletTillykke med året der langsomt gik. Din mad er skøn som du, håber du/den en dag vil komme som bog og stå ved siden af mit komfur. Varme kleine hilsner og sukker kys. Yvonne
SvarSletJaaaa også mig!
SvarSletDear Ea,
SvarSletDiscovering your flickr stream and this blog was a pleasure of light and spice! I really like the atmosphere that surrounds both your drawings and recipes.
I would have congratulated you earlier, but I was having a virus visitor myself... So Happy belated birthday!
Vera from Belgrade
I've missed the draw but I really just wanted to congratulate you on your first blog year. Woohoo! and Well done:-)
Dear Vera, thank you so much for your kind comment and birthday wishes for the blog. I hope you are fully recovered from your visitor!
Thank you, Marie - I'm kind of surprised it has only been a year, and on the other hand the whole food blogging thing is still feeling new and a little awkward at times. Here's to a year of new experiments and experiences in the world of blogging!